Welcome to my The Truth About Six Pack Abs review site!
Mike Geary is a certified nutrition specialist, an author and a personal trainer. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Pennsylvania's Susquehanna University, and he currently utilizes his training and experience to help others reduce their body fat while undergoing a power training and strength building program. Geary has amassed an impressive list of professional accomplishments, including:
Introducing Mike Geary

- Creating "The Truth About Abs" program.
- Achieving the rank of Platinum Expert Fitness Author for EzineArticles.com.
- Creating fitness related articles for over a thousand websites.
- Working as a contributing author for Muscle & Fitness Magazine and Oxygen Magazine.
- Publishing a fitness newsletter, Lean and Body Fitness Secrets, that is read in over 150 countries by approximately 320,000 subscribers.
What is the Program all about?
This revolutionary eBook will teach users about the five most important points of a successful fitness routine.
1. Abdominal Exercises Alone are Not Enough to Tone Your Abs
Geary's eBook examines the myth that abdominal exercises are all you need to do to develop your abdominal areas. Geary discovered a long time ago that this myth was false, and he shows the readers what steps they really need to take to develop the perfect abs.
2. Which Exercises Will Help You The Most?
The eBook will teach you about which sections of your body to target in order to build muscle and increase your metabolism.
3. What Foods Are Best for Strength Training?
Eating the right food is a critical step in your quest to attain a six pack and better overall health. The eBook will teach you about how to obtain the proper nutrition without going on a traditional diet.
4. Which Exercises Are Not Helpful?
There is a misconception that any form of exercise is better than none at all, but Geary will teach you which common exercises will not help you reach your goals.
5. Who Will Benefit from this eBook?
If you're looking to get toned while also developing a six pack then this eBook is for you. This section of the eBook will examine how the program works for men and women who want to get toned and firm up their body.
If, on the other hand, you're simply looking to boost your muscles then you should consider purchasing a book that is focusing only on muscle building rather than overall health.
How is This System Different From Other Ab Development Programs?
The Truth About Six Pack Abs provides users with a full fitness routine, including the complimentary addition of "The Full Body Stretch Routine" which will enable users to learn exactly when, and how, to incorporate stretching into their fitness routine.
Mike Geary isn't selling a so-called magic formula for success, unlike so many of his competitors who encourage people to do nothing more than drink protein shakes and do countless sit-ups. Instead, he is offering readers a perfectly synchronized routine that incorporates exercise, diet and the importance of your mindset.
By following Geary's program you'll achieve an improvement to your overall health along with developing the six pack of your dreams.
Pros and Cons
- You'll learn so much more about fitness than simply how to develop your abs.
- The program, if applied consistently, will work for people of any age or gender.
- The book states up front that developing good fitness and eating habits may be difficult, and that level of honesty is rare in products of this type.
- Although you'll achieve faster results with a gym membership, each of the exercises and other tips contained within the eBook can be done from the privacy of your own home.
- The product comes with a 100 percent money back guarantee.
- You can even test the entire system for only $4.95 for a 21-day trial period. If you don't find it beneficial, you can cancel the trial and you will not be charged for the rest of the price.
- You'll be able to download the PDF as soon as you purchase it, providing you with immediate access to the program.
- The eBook is so comprehensive that it might be overwhelming at first for some people.
- If you choose not to sign up for a gym membership then you will need to purchase a stability ball and PowerBlock dumbbells. The investment will be well worth it, however.
- You will need to give up junk food to achieve optimal results.
Final Thoughts
Mike Geary's eBook presents a motivational and truthful approach to improving your overall health while also developing a six pack. Other programs fail to provide such a wealth of information, and consuming countless protein shakes and doing ab crunches was not working for me. This system allowed me to see real results, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to become healthier and develop awesome abs.
I hope this "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" review was useful and you found the information you were looking for. You can visit the official site following one of the links below.